SenchaのReExtツールは、140以上のSencha Ext JS UIコンポーネントをReactと統合して、高性能で機能豊富なインターフェースを実現
Sencha Ext JS is a comprehensive JavaScript framework for building robust, data-intensive web applications. It offers a rich library of pre-built UI components, advanced data management capabilities, and tools for efficient development and testing, enabling rapid creation of cross-platform applications with high performance and a polished user experience.
ReExt is a library that seamlessly integrates Sencha Ext JS high-performance UI components into React applications. It provides a bridge between the two frameworks, allowing developers to leverage the rich feature set of Ext JS for building complex user interfaces while maintaining a React-based development workflow, accelerating development and enhancing application capabilities. ReExt enables developers to build powerful, data-driven applications by combining the flexibility and simplicity of React with the robust, feature-rich components of Ext JS.
To utilize ReExt you will need a Sencha Ext JS License, available in Pro, Enterprise and Ultimate editions, as Annual Subscription or Perpetual Licenses. See our Sencha Ext JS licensing page for full details.
For more information, see our Sencha Ext JS product page.